In The Media

Dubai Tram

Back DUBAI TRAM The Dubai Road and Transport Authority (RTA) planned to unveil to the public a brand new tram mass transit network on

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Michael Jackson

Back MICHAEL JACKSON A holographic performance of Michael Jackson’s Slave to the Rhythm was shown at the Billboard Awards in 2012 in front of

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Sarah Brightman

Back SARAH BRIGHTMAN The 31 location Symphony World Tour in 2008 in the USA, Asian and South America featured Musion’s holographic technology showcasing impressive scenery

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Back GORILLAZ In November 2005 Musion saw its big breakthrough in the international arena when the Gorillaz starred at the MTV Awards in Lisbon.

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Back SAMSUNG Samsung Jet launched a simultaneous global live motion capture event for Samsung Jet in London, Dubai, Singapore and Beijing and continued their

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Berlin Telepresence

Back BERLIN TELEPRESENCE On Wednesday 12th November 2008, Musion’s very own Telepresence system orchestrated a show-stopping, Star Wars style, holographic communication in real time

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